A wide and consistent application of Water Safety Plan (RPAM) is one of the strategies to achieve 15 percent access to safely managed drinking water as mandated in the 2020-2024 Medium Term National Development Plan (RPJMN) and Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
To attain all stakeholders’ commitment in implementing the RPAM and achieving the RPJMN target, USAID IUWASH PLUS collaborated with the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, the MPWH, the Ministry of Health, and the MOHA to organize an institutionalization workshop on the water safety plan on September 21, 2021. This event, which was held in person in Jakarta and through online platforms, also served as a venue for the ministries to launch the roadmap on the expansion of the RPAM implementation for the period of 2021-2025.
The event began with opening remarks from the Mission Director of USAID Indonesia, Mr. Ryan Washburn, and a keynote speech from The Deputy of Infrastructre of the Ministy of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Mr. Yosafat Rizal Primana. They delivered their speeches virtually before a total of 184 participants that included the director generals and directors of the four ministries, USAID Indonesia, local governments, local government-owned water companies (PDAMs), the association of water supply management system operators, development partners, and journalists.
Mr. Yosafat Rizal Primana explained that the RPAM roadmap was developed as an explicit foundation for all stakeholders to realize their commitments and to guide the expansion of water safety plan implementation. The document details adjustments of the RPAM implementation target according to capacity and human resources of all water supply operators, roles of relevant ministries, and a strategy to expand the RPAM implementation by the national and regional stakeholders.
The keynote speech was followed with the RPAM roadmap launch by the Deputy for Inftastructure of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Mr. Yosafat Rizal Primana, the Director General of Human Settlement of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Ms. Diana Kusumastuti; the Acting Director General of the Ministry of Health, Ms. Kartini Rustandi, and the Director of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ms. Hari Nur Cahya Murni.
The event resulted in the ministries’ strategies to expand the RPAM implementation. The Ministry of National Development Planning will prepare policy and strategy, funding, and monitoring on the achievement of the safe water target through the RPAM implementation. The MPWH will prepare a regulation, guidelines, and technical instructions on the RPAM implementation, develop training strategies and capacity improvements, and monitor the water safety plan implementation at the operator level.
The Ministry of Health will issue standards on drinking water quality, supervise its fulfillment by monitoring drinking water quality and improving laboratory coverage and capacity, and ensuring RPAM implementation quality through regular audits. The Ministry of Home Affairs will promote safe water access and RPAM implementation at the national and regional meetings as well as preparing capacity building for the local governments to implement the RPAM and to integrate it into regional planning.
Following the roadmap launch, USAID IUWASH PLUS, WHO Indonesia, and the MPWH conducted a master of trainer (MOT) training on water safety plan (WSP) in Bandung city, from October 4-13, 2021, to create a pool of national trainers.