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Kolaborasi Tingkatkan Akses Air Minum untuk Kurangi Kawasan Kumuh di Surabaya

A Collaboration to Increase Access to Water and Sanitation to Reduce Slum Area in Surabaya

USAID IUWASH PLUS and KOTAKU program held a workshop on increasing access to water and sanitation to reduce slum area in Surabaya city on March 6, 2018. The workshop aimed to establish common understanding for the collaboration between USAID IUWASH PLUS and KOTAKU, update the progress of WASH cooperation, and develop the cooperation for the implementation of WASH sanitation.

Hand over of cooperation agreement between Louis O’Brien, COP of USAID IUWASH PLUS and Listyorini Armaiti, Settlement Area Development Working Group in East Java.

During the workshop, Listyorini Armaiti from the East Java Settlement Area Development Working Unit and Louis O’Brien, the USAID IUWASH PLUS Chief of Party, officially exchanged the signed Partnership Agreement for this collaboration.

The workshop was attended by 40 participants from persons that were coming from Bappenas, Kotaku, PKPBM (Community Based Settlement Area Development) and MPWH. From the discussion session, the participants reached an agreement on the WASH-related infrastructure development activities related in seven cities/districts overlapped with KOTAKU program. The activities, among others include toilet construction (latrine, water tub, septic tank and infiltration), MCK (public bathing, washing, and toilet facilities), onsite and offsite WWTP, piping, and house connections.

Group discussion to determine WASH infrastructure construction activities in Gresik district.

To follow up this workshop, the participants agreed to emphasize more on the communication matters that include having coordination meeting for every 1 month, establishing the Consultant Internal Study Group between USAID IUWASH PLUS and KOTAKU, conducting joint monitoring and evaluation in the activity location and coordinating with sanitation working group and PKPBM.