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Cleaning, Flow Tests and Technical Audits of IPLT Tanjung Pinggir in Kota Pematangsintar



Issued Date: January 31, 2020
Title: “Cleaning, Flow Tests and Technical Audits of IPLT Tanjung Pinggir in Kota Pematangsintar


”Issuing Office & Email/Physical Address for Submission of Proposals:

Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH Plus) Medan, Jl. Mojopahit No. 136A, Medan (closed to Herna Hospital) Sumatera Utara 20153

Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH Plus) Jakarta, Mayapada Tower 10th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta 12920;

Email: IWPLProc_InboxMDN@dai.com

Deadline for Receipt of Proposals: February 14, 2020 at the latest 05.00 PM.

Soft copy to IWPLProc_InboxMDN@dai.com
Point of Contact: IWPLProc_InboxMDN@dai.com
Anticipated Award Type: Fixed Price Purchase Order
Basis for Award: An award will be made based on the Trade Off Method. The award will be issued to the responsible and reasonable offeror who provides the best value to DAI and its client using a combination of technical and cost/price factors



Scope of Work

Cleaning, Flow Tests and Technical Audits of IPLT Tanjung Pinggir in Pematangsiantar City Pematangsiantar, 20 February – 31 March 2020


Component-2 Strengthening City WASH Institutional Performance

Sub-component 2-3 Develop and Improve Local Sanitation Unit Performance

Program 2.3.3. Technical strengthening of Sanitation Sector / Operator (LLTT, IPLT, SNI, etc)



The USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Penyehatan Lingkungan Untuk Semua (IUWASH PLUS) program is a five-year initiative designed to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in increasing access to water supply and sanitation services as well as improving key hygiene behaviors among urban poor and vulnerable populations. USAID IUWASH PLUS works with governmental agencies, the private sector, NGOs, communities and others to achieve the following “high level” results:

  1. An increase of one million people in urban areas with access to improved water supply service quality, of which at least 500,000 are from the poorest 40% of the population (also referred to as the “Bottom 40%” or “B40”), vulnerable groups or Indonesia’s eastern provinces; and
  2. An increase of 500,000 people in urban areas with access to safely managed sanitation.

To ensure that improvements in access to WASH services are sustained, USAID IUWASH PLUS is guided by a development hypothesis that focuses on strengthening service delivery systems, so they can more effectively reach the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population. In order to achieve this at scale, the program undertakes activities through four interrelated components, including: 1) improving household WASH services; 2) strengthening city WASH institutional performance; 3) strengthening the WASH financing environment; and 4) advancing national WASH advocacy, coordination and communication. In support of these components, USAID IUWASH PLUS also implements a Local Sustainability and Innovation Component (LSIC) that is designed to stimulate WASH innovations that strengthen community, private sector and government WASH service provision.

The Pematangsiantar city Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant (IPLT) is currently not functioning optimally. This is due to not functioning properly every unit of pond in the IPLT installation. The processing unit was file with mud and weeds and pipes system including valves did not work well.

IUWASH PLUS together with the Department of Public Housing and Settlement Area Pematangsiantar City will conduct several activities so that the IPLT can function again.

A series of activities will be carried out:

1. Cleaning existing IPLT from mud, soil, weeds and other materials. facilitate labor costs facilitate work equipment
2. Flow test of the Existing IPLT pond unit by filling water in the pool unit and flowing it to the next pool. This flow test is intended to see the direction of the flow, the condition of the pool leak, the condition of the piping network and the valve system of the installation Daily costs for workers who help refill water and drainage processes (flow test).


facilitate work equipment
3. Audit / technical analysis to see the condition of the building feasibility of each pool unit and determine options for minor repairs and optimization of the IPLT through continued repairs (heavy repairs). Technical analysis/ audits and measurements, is carried out by Environmental Engineers and Civil Engineering Experts Costs for audits/analysis by Environmental Experts, Civil Engineering and Drafter  for the reports and technical drawings  
4. Budget advocacy to Pematangsiantar City Government so that the cost of repairs is heavy and to optimize IPLT can be allocated in the  FY 2020 budget The results of the audit/ technical analysis report of existing IPLT conditions and improvement options for advocacy to Pematangsiantar City government Allocate budget for heavy repairs of IPLT to the 2020 TA budget.



Objective :

The objectives of this activity are:

  1. The cleaning of the IPLT was followed by a water flow test and a Technical Audit including technical drawings (As build drawings)
  2. From the results of the technical audit, a minor repairing (as temporary repair, before the heavy repairs budget is prepared by the local government) plan can be determined, so that the IPLT can function again
  3. Optimization of IPLT Tanjung Pinggir Pematangsiantar city and for prepare management SOPs and technical SOPs
  4. Advocacy to Pematangsiantar City Government so that the cost of repairs is heavy and to optimize IPLT can be allocated in the FY 2020 budget


Expected results

  1. Minor repairs can be carried out and IPLT Tanjung Pinggir can be used temporarily while waiting for heavy repairs by the Pematangsiantar City Government
  2. Availability of budget through FY (APBD) 2020 for the cost of heavy repair of IPLT Tanjung Pinggir


Time & Venue

This activity will be held on:


Day/Date                :  20 February – 31 March 2020

Venue                      :  IPLT Tanjung Pinggir kota Pematangsiantar